my morning mantra.


hope you're feeling just dandy today!

the past few days, i've been a little stressed, to say the least. some complications have arose in our living situation, and it looks like we'll be moving again in about a month. i am sad to leave this sweet humble little abode of ours, and our neighbors are just fantastic... but patrick and i are realizing, or remembering, why we moved out here and what we are looking for. so we're going to keep looking! and we shall find!

i've been able to meditate a little this week, but not as much as i would like. i don't know why, when stresses bubble up, somehow my motivation to actually take care of my mind lessens. perhaps i just get lazy and scared, or i want to dwell on my pain for some strange reason?

and then i go back to myself, and return to my breath and my positive mantras, and everything is good again. it's quite miraculous!

this morning, i began my day, before anything else happened, with:

12 deep breaths. each breath, i am more relaxed.
i love myself. i respect those around me.
it feels so good to let go.
i feel good about myself and my future.
my good qualities are coming out more and more.
i trust that with this chaos comes order and beauty.
i believe in where i am right now. i will go where i am meant to.
i am love. i am presence.
it feels so good to let go.
a golden light...
encompasses me, embraces me.
in my golden light, i am safe.
it feels so good to let go.
12 more deep breaths. i find i am in the most relaxed state i've ever known.

the shape for my day has been set. i am so grateful for the choice of our thoughts. i choose only the good and true ones today. namaste.


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