sunday activities.

lucky lucky me. my mama is here, at my house! i couldn't be happier to be surrounded by so much love!

this weekend we had a grand ol' relaxing time together: my mom, kate, pat, liam, and i. heaven!

oh and on friday night we had a merry celebration up here on the mountain with everyone above; plus colleen, linnea, and our whole mountain family that lives on the property. it was our last weekend here before we start packing up to move to nowhere next weekend. yes, nowhere. we don't have an apartment yet. BUT, we found the PERFECT PERFECT place this weekend. it's just outside of ojai, and truly, when we stepped in there, we just knew it was right. there are a few other people looking at it, so man, fingers crossed so hard that we get it! i am asking the universe to bring us just exactly what we need. i do hope though that it's that apartment... could you please send some positive thoughts for us? thank you!!!!!!!

yesterday was beautiful! my mom started the day with a painting, and we had a delicious breakfast. i attempted eggs florentine, and they came out pretty delicious! after breakfast we headed to ojai for a joyous hike and a scrumptious meal at the farmer & the cook.

i feel refreshed and ready for the week, but i also feel so warm inside because my mom is still here. mmmmm so nice.

hope your day is lovely!


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