photos of life

"if you surrender to the wind, you can ride it."
-toni morrison

just looking through some older pictures of joyful warm moments, enjoy <3!

my buddy boy

a photo from patrick's old phone in his old bedroom- me playing his gibson 175 when he first bought it years ago!

cuddles :)

liam with a hat on

at the museum of natural history, viewing some tantra!  

cruising on the beach

liam on his lily pad 

pat playing air guitar at our summer spot on the reservoir

mekdes and i at watch hill

me and my suitcase o'purusha!

spring and summer are almost here! can't wait!  riding the wind until then...


  1. Hayley you are so cute! I love your photos of pure and true :) I love your cute lil Purusha suitcase :)

  2. So excited to get my beautiful pants!! Woo Hoo!!!

  3. Beautiful photos! I love looking back at pics. I was just thinking the other day how I'm not taking pics very often these days. And I know later I'd love to be looking at them.
    Cant wait til you visit. Then we'll really snap shots :)

    Love, Sis



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