vintage jewelry! i have been giving a lot of thought to humanity recently, and our tendency to be wasteful. i know i'm guilty of it when i go grocery shopping and forget to bring my own bags, when i throw out a piece of fruit because a bit of it was mealy, or when i don't feel like rinsing a plastic container so i can recycle it. i don't want to contribute to the excess of unnecessary man made material things our planet, but this seems impossible. so i'll do the best i can day to day to not harm any living thing, the best i can has to be good enough. AND at the same time i will have fun crafting it up with recycled thrift store vintage finds! purusha is now featuring recycled vintage jewelry, so please come check it out! earth day is coming, let's all remember how much we love our home and treat it right while looking sexy and chic at the same time! cleopatra bracelet 4 strand bone necklace vintage leopard necklace come see more here! : purusha people on etsy


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