the non-attractive post.

oh the rain!

so much rain.  and thunder.  liam is having a not so good summer with all these storms- poor little guy.  he paces and pants, drools and trembles, trailing patrick and i as we work and walk around the house.  liam, i swear, becomes more terrified of storms with every clap of thunder.  :(


i really like looking at 'pretty' blogs.  who doesn't, right?!  nice clean photos, sharp colorful pictures, they get me every time.  this blog post, not going to be one of those pretty pieces.  it's grey and dark today, and patrick's not home to take photos of me....

plus i am just sweatshopping it up around here!  while i work on purusha i honestly look like crap, not like i make clothes for a living!  i wear the ugliest things i own because i end up getting so much dye and paint on myself!  i look a little like i live in a trailer:

me in my sister's old marlboro pants and pat's monkees t-shirt

i dress down for work ;).

this is what my life is like today:

making tags for clothes

building new screens which i will put emulsion on tonight!  yay for new designs!

finishing up orders to mail out.

holy moly!!!! folding the most laundry i've ever seen!

my little herb garden is happily soaking up the rain drops!

aah. the painting my mom created for me in pat and i's bedroom.  always soothes my soul.

my little lesson today is: 

there is always something beautiful and joyful to be found in our day.  look for it, it's there!  amid the rain and grey and everyday work, there's an abundance of time for laughter, love, and moments of reflection :).

may you have a peaceful and accomplished day whatever you do!  the light in me bows to the light in you.


  1. I love this post..its like a little sunshine through the rain.



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