
good day and happy beginning of the week! i hope you had a marvelous weekend!

this weekend was pretty excellent here in the mountains :). patrick and i had our amazingly sweet neighbors over for dinner, and man, do we just love them. i'm so glad chance brought us to some kindred spirits! i also took a couple long walks with liam in our backyard up to the boulders, finished unpacking our clothes, and put all the finishing touches on our home! in tomorrow's post i'll be featuring some lovely photos of our humble abode!

also this weekend patrick and i have been watching my new favorite show- 'shark tank'! it's sooo interesting! and it's actually taught me a whole lot about my business. i'm realizing the next steps i have to take to grow and to get purusha to where i envision! it's very exciting and empowering to learn what changes i need to make! yahoo!

after some rest and good times, i'm ready to get back to work with a refreshed mind and body. i kinda love mondays- a new beginning, with increased energy after the weekend. it's great!

this morning in my yoga and meditation i practiced focusing. yes just simply focusing. it's funny to think, the mind actually can only think about one thing at a time. it just feels like you're all over the place because the thoughts change so rapidly without you even noticing! i'm still such a novice at watching my thoughts, but it definitely feels good to keep at it.

i'm always working at just being here. aren't we all right?! i have moments in my meditation where i am just in the zone; breathing deep, feeling the breath in my body, telling my self kind things- to let go, i deserve to recharge right here, i am always safe, i feel good about myself and my future, and i love myself. then all of a sudden i'm thinking about the pastries my neighbor brought over, planning my day, emails i have to write, orders to be shipped, i miss my mom, worries about money, etc etc etc!!!!!!! there's always plenty of thinking for the mind to do. and that's ok. it's what the mind does. when i see this thought path happening in my practice, i just tell myself 'i love you.' and take a deep exhalation. no judgment on yourself for thinking, just be aware of the thinking. notice the thoughts, don't let them take you away with them. they can go on and on, and you can still stay right here in the moment and witness the thought trail with a smile and with compassion. that's the best we can do for ourselves!

i want to become better at concentration and meditation because i feel that being able to focus is a tremendous power. i want it for my relationships, for my own emotions, for my work, and for my relaxation. concentration has the ability to bring such depth to moments, creativity to everyday activities, and compassion and respect for each breath of our lives. i believe that with focus and clarity we can learn to be more grateful, and in turn become much more conscious of the effects we have on the entire earth and all its beings.

today, i will carry on my practice from my yoga mat and into my life. i vow to be present and aware of where my mind is.

i hope you're day is beautiful and full of mindful moments! much love to you!


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