happy birthday sister!

happy birthday sister!!!!!!!!

lots o' people i love's birthdays this week!

lil sis kate, kelli, my lil girl. let me say i feel like the luckiest girl in the world to have a sister like you, a sister that's also my very best friend. your silliness, amazing kindness, discipline in going after what you want, bravery in doing what you don't want, and incredible dance moves are awe inducing. you are 27, and i keep thinking it seems like you're catching up to my years, except i keep getting older too! you are young little sister, but i know within you there is this old wise soul, a deep soul that knows the world and handles life gracefully with a laugh and a confidence i wish i had. i admire your maturity as a woman, you always seem to know what to do that's best for you. some people live a whole life without knowing how to be true to themselves, while you've been doing it all along. that is really cool sister.

can't wait to see you tomorrow! how awesome is it that we live so close now?! we get to spend birthdays together! what a special thing! i am going to hug you so hard :) i love you with all my being kate! hope you have the most beautiful day today! xoxo.


  1. I'm not normally the weepy type but I've got a little catch in my throat reading this. Your mom did good with you girls.



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