sunday spotlight : PUCCI.

so i never thought i'd become very interested in fashion, like high fashion, as in balenciaga, mainbocher, dolce & gabbana, pucci! (one of my favorites). but i suppose it's mostly because i never really tried to look into it. i just cast off runway fashion as something not for me, something extravagant and out of touch with my lifestyle and my brand.

last week i began buying a lot of books (thank you amazon prime!!) on branding and fashion design. i'm thinking, why not study all i can about my industry? i feel a little silly it's taken me this long to begin really researching fashion, but better late than never. and let me just say i am 100% inspired and fascinated with fashion houses, or salons as they called them. there is something so elegant and fulfilling about looking back at the very first clothing "designers". madeleine vionnet, hubert de givenchy, coco chanel, christian dior, missoni... they were some of the very first creators to drop the corset, shorten the skirt, use bright bold patterns, and celebrate the luxury of being as glamorous or as minimalist as you'd like to be. with fast fashion - F21, h&m, the gap, nike, etc etc - on the scene it's pretty refreshing to refer back to the times before the word 'sweatshop'  even existed.

i'm totally just a beginner here in the field of fashion, but already i enjoy how learning about these fashion houses has invoked in me new ideas for the future of purusha. i thought what better way to keep the designers i admire in my mind (and share their beauty with you!) than to blog about them?! sunday spotlight anyone?!

the designer i've enjoyed the most thoroughly so far is emilio pucci.

in the 1940's pucci began designing skiwear, and was one the first designers to use knit fabrics. (got me thinking of yoga pants!) stretchy materials allowed pucci to uncomplicate clothing - no need for darts and pleats. his designs were sleek with bold patterns. pucci even designed the dress marilyn monroe was buried in! i just love how fun, colorful, 60's, yet simple and worldly his designs were. take a look:

pucci today :

what do you think? do you like pucci's designs?

have a beautiful peaceful sunday! xo.


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