the day of my man's birth.

oh what a beautiful day, the day my love patrick was born 28 years ago. above it a photo of us in the first few weeks we met in may 2007 most likely. he's playing the piano so wonderfully for me at this moment. patrick, we've been through so much together, and as cheesy as it sounds you've taught me what real love is. real love doesn't disappear when things get rough, it doesn't quit on you when your at your weakest. and love is at it's best when things are beautiful and sunny and life is good. like today. i can't wait to celebrate today with you, your day. i'm such a lucky woman to have found someone that loves me and holds me through all of life's weather, my angel man. someone that helps me face my fears, go after every little dream i've ever had, and always remain curious about life and the pursuit of knowledge. you make me feel more beautiful, bold, intelligent, and kind that i ever imagined i could be. in short, you make me feel like a natural woman. i should sing that you today on the piano shouldn't i? now that you've taught me how to play a little, one of the many things you've taught me. what a life that i get to spend it with you patrick, laughing and learning. and what a day we have to do just that. now where do you want to eat lunch at before we head to the beach and look at guitars? i love you more than i love myself my sweet baby pat. xoxo.



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