attention to detail
i like to put a purusha touch on every detail of each garment and i truly admire lovely tags and good branding! there is something so special about a product that is complete and beautiful in everyway: the label, the hang tag, the presentation, and the displays.
in this respect i strive for purusha wear to exude its mantra of balance, freedom, and love. for this to be possible with where i am at right now i hand make all my own labels and tags! it can be quite fun, like my very own sweatshop!
for my tags to look like this:. . .
. . .i hand carve my own stamps out of rubber! it was pretty easy to carve the size stamps, ha but the purusha logo stamps were another story, especially the small logo!
and then cut the tags and sew them onto each garment. . .
i also put a lot of care into the purusha hang tags. all tags are totally customized and are my own photographs!
new clothing (and tags!) to come!

inspiration is everywhere
well i am settled into my new little town for now, so close to my old little town. collinsville is turning out to be quite pleasurable, beautiful, and inspirational. i have many new designs coming out, as well as lots of new ideas of designs to come that are floating around my head. i am very thankful for my artistic friends that continuously influence and motivate me when i think i am out of ideas! there is always more art to study and the designs are inexhaustable!
i've gotten a lot of suggestions for men's clothing so i put up a few on etsy tonight. i hope people like them! i love the milky way t-shirt!
here is where purusha is now, collinsville, ct:
more love duds to come. . .