my mantra.

it's easy. enjoy.

i've been saying this to myself the past few days. so much of what i expect to be difficult ends up being easy, or not as challenging as i thought. usually the worst part is the thinking about what i don't want to do, and not the thing itself.

this morning, on my run, going up hills... it's easy. enjoy... suddenly i'm smelling flowers and remembering the sacredness of each breath. today, while i screen print... it's easy. enjoy... oh yeah, my job is WHAT I LOVE (duh!!!!), and it's fun to create something beautiful.

why not find the ease in the moment? it's always there, we just have to choose it. take some deep breaths, soften the face, and remember that being alive is not permanent. today, right now, is holy, it's all we have. enjoy it. it's easy. :)


  1. I don't know how you do it, but so often you post EXACTLY what I need to hear. *Thank you!* <3

  2. Oh I love this, and so glad to see you're able to refocus some! Your words are always impeccably timed.



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