continued thoughts on minimalism.

i'm really feeling quite taken by the minimalist concept. it just seems so much easier and more natural to think, act, write, and respond only in accordance to what is necessary. in american culture, and most modern first world cultures, we have such an ingrained desire for more. more friends, more money, more work, more possessions. and it's exhausting and wasteful. too much stuff weighs on your mind; i can feel it when our house is cluttered, when my to do list is too long, and when i go shopping and feel the mentality that what we have is never enough.

it's kinda tricky to be a clothing designer and a wanna-be minimalist, but i believe this way of life will actually help purusha to grow. to narrow down my focus and cut down to what is the bare minimum will make my designs and the management of my business simpler. like most people, i admire and look to steve jobs. i think about how simple apple products are, and how there aren't hundreds of products to choose from. the designs are simple, elegant, and attractively functional. a steve jobs quote i think about often is, something along the lines of, 'you have to really like what you do everyday. if there are too many days in a row where you don't feel excited about what you're doing, it's time to do something else.' i feel increasingly passionate about changing my business model- cleaner designs, small amounts of limited inventory, and less complications associated with made to order custom pieces. i'm also toying with the idea of providing a lifetime guarantee on garments, once i find the quality to be of that level. 

my journal this morning while meditating reads:

~less is more 

~less plans, less lists, less work, less worry

~what is the bare minimum?

~do i need this? this thought, this task, this purchase?

~less = quality, not quantity. quality = full intention, richness, concentration.

life suddenly seems much more pleasant when we keep only what we need, and let go of the rest. namaste.


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