returned and refreshed.

coming home from a vacation is bittersweet, isn't it?

i was just getting used to no responsibilities, no cooking, no dishes to wash, emails can wait until i get back... yet at the same time i am reminded of how much i love my work. having a purpose each day, a plan, a reason to exist is everything.

it's the transition that's the tricky part, leaving behind days of pure pleasure and ease, and moving back into the effort, the cleaning, the busy stuff. and i want to hold on to that relaxation i gained while i was gone, i want this simple perspective to remain with me.

i must admit i'm pretty excited to get back to purusha: in a literal sense, my business, but also in a figurative sense, the meaning of purusha. purusha is the divine, the sacred, the beautiful life force within each of us, that we all share. there's enough purusha to go around. i plan on returning to my work with a changed outlook, with a simpler and more pure vision, and with a more devoted and creative ethic of work. for the first time ever, i'm taking some risks. because i believe in what i'm creating. that right there makes any and all of the risks worth it.

i believe in purusha, i believe in you, i believe in myself. i trust this journey.


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