respect yourself.

my meditation this morning :

RESPECT YOURSELF. respect yourself enough to...

> do what you say you're going to do.
> get your work done.
> not procrastinate.
> not put up walls around yourself to excuse yourself from going stuff you don't want to do.
> set goals for yourself and follow through with them.
> not waste time.
> treat yourself as well as you treat the most beloved person in your life.

it's all about loving yourself, we know this. but what about respecting yourself? what about putting yourself in a position even higher than you thought? the self that deserves to be worked hard for, and that deserves to not suffer through another day of habitual responses. today is the day. to change it up. why not try, for one day, just today, to truly respect yourself? do the work you need to do and take enough time to nurture yourself. it's funny, the things we really want and idealize, we often don't do. it's easy to lecture to someone else to do these things, but when they day arrives to live your words, i think... maybe tomorrow, maybe next week i'll have more time for that. ugh. such nonsense. 

this morning i vow to respect myself enough to live the life i imagine. i'm awake, breathing, and healthy, so i absolutely deserve to be fought for. it's not easy. but we have to fight for the self that requires our utmost respect and devotion today and everyday. 



  1. Dear haley,

    I really really love your blog. I love the inspiring words and beautiful pictures. it´s great how calm you look. Honestly: You are so beautyful! It gives me the hint to meditate more, take more time for me inside of me. Than you for that!!!

    Perhaps you can write a posting so time abaout your daily routines, about meditation and how to da etc. I am very interested in your way of life. You are something like an idol for me!

    Monique from Germany

  2. This post was exactly what I needed to hear today! I really need to be better at respecting my body and knowing what it deserves to be made stronger mentally and physically. I think it's easy for us to put ourselves last.
    xo TJ



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