time to change.

yesterday i had a super super rad meeting with a beautiful and smart woman that knows a hell of lot more about running a business than i do. let me tell you, it was absolutely just what i needed. on the horizon there are some much overdue changes coming to purusha that i am so excited about! one of the big changes is... tada! less styles and more inventory. no more waiting 4 weeks for clothing. you will get your order within days. finally! over the next few months this change will be integrated into the shop. {i'm also pondering doing a free shipping both ways thing. zappos style... we will see!} i've been running purusha the same way for about 3-4 years, so i've been a little afraid of changing the model up. sometimes all you need is someone who has a bit more experience than you to give you that nudge in the right direction. we are preparing a 6 month growth plan as well as a new business plan. so so sweet.

and i want to tell you, that i'm changing for you. i'm revising my brand, my vision, and my inventory so that i can serve you better. i know personally i like to order clothing online and get it fast, so i want to meet that need for you :). so let's do this! YAY! if you have any suggestions or ideas i am happy to hear them as well! xoxo.


  1. Good luck Hayley! I can't wait to see the new and beautiful things you do with Purusha. I was rocking my "You are part of something beautiful" shirt yesterday and felt so happy!

  2. Free shipping BOTH ways?!? Yes please! I love when stores have this little perk for their costumers.



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