right now.

you guys. right now it is so hot out in topanga. it's been hot for about the past 5 days or so, saturday being the topper at 108 degrees. lordy lordy. so there has been a whooole lot of slothing about trying to keep my limbs from touching. {please excuse my overall grubbage (is that even a word?! grubby-ness?)} and plenty of staying indoors with the AC running while laying in front of the fan. i plan on being camped out here on the bed for the next few hours, emailing, working on my new website, and planning nadya's work for tomorrow when we meet up downtown. and patrick was sweet enough to make me a smoothie- organic raspberries, banana, almond milk, and maca up protein powder. not too shabby! :) know what else i've been drinking? water with cucumbers in it. so refreshing! it makes the water taste so clean and crisp, and then you get to eat the cucumbers after! YAY! what's your favorite beat the heat summer drink? because i think i need some. hehe ;) xo!


  1. it's muggy and overcast in connecticut. i'd rather have the heat and sun. boy do we miss it here. we are turning into mushrooms back east. love and miss you cheery attitude. keep cool my friend. love your pixie cut!



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