a home for the month!

good day!

it really is a great day, actually. a wonderful past few days. after all the ridiculous stresses of our old apartment, i suddenly now feel like a huge weight has been lifted from my heart and mind. we are free from our crazy living situation and living in peace at this magnificently sweet cabin in big bear city, ca.

this house is magical and homey and just all good! we are out here in the woods in a swiss style cabin; complete with hiking trails (they lead to the PCT- pacific coast trail from mexico to canada! wow!),a hot tub, a fireplace, a dishwasher (!!!), a huge deck, gorgeous views, and the kindest most gentle people that own the property. i feel so safe and cozy here, comfortable and secure, and relieved to be living in a place where we are trusted again. what a trip we were on living in our past place! and what a warm feeling to be accepted by generous loving people that believe you are good and respectful! i feel renewed here in the giant pine tree forests.

i went on the most glorious run this morning around the trails with sweetest kiyoe, the lady of the ranch here :).
can you believe there was a foot of snow here just a couple weeks ago?!

this place is close to heavenly for patrick, liam, and i. kiyoe and her husband and their children have 2 awesome dogs too that liam just adores! and get this- there names are homey and dude!!! what?! liam and those boys are fast friends already and ran with us this morning like a wild pack of doggie boys! last night was SO cozy here. we lit a fire, made cookies, and watched the terrifying move 'the cabin in the woods'. it was so much fun to relax here together in a place where i know no one is out to get us (like in the movie, or like at our old apartment! ah!).

for today, i am super glad and grateful for our happy home in the month of may. horray!


  1. It sounds lovely and just fitting! I see your pictures and miss lots of green so much...we have lots of concrete and noise here. But its just for a time. Hope that it turns into something longer for you, or something else just as magical comes along. :)



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