landlady leaks

ok so a couple months ago i promised a post on our old landlord.

like a normal person, i'm of course over it and the whole ridiculous experience with her is basically forgotten... but a big part of me still wishes to protect others from renting from her, and wants justice. no one in her condition should be running a rental property, and it was very strange to watch what a bit of power did to a person like her.

we were going to pursue her in court to get back the the large amount of money she took from our security deposit, but decided the money wasn't worth compromising our sanity while fighting her in court. like i said though, sometimes i wonder if we should have done that, to put this person in her place and show her that the way she works with people is absolutely cruel, illegal, and just plain wrong.

so below is her "addendum" she makes tenants sign before renting (totally illegal), and an email from her, for your entertainment. you can't make this shit up. enjoy!


  1. Ha Ha Ha. What a joke.

  2. Oh geez, no wonder you ran far far away!

    Completely unrelated but wanted to share that I was comfy in my last day of teaching in the base school here and Japan before summer break thanks to your awesome pants! Pics if you want to see... , they're not nearly as impressive in strength and balance as yours, but the kids sure do love bright red! I'll continue buying and supporting Purusha People!

  3. Re reading this just for entertainment....
    But then I get all pissed and fiery and have to stop!



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