sister and her man visit topanga!

the boyz.

we hiked the beautiful red rocks canyon trail in topanga.

then went out to eat at the most magical restaurant in town- the inn of the seventh ray. it really was like a faerie land there! and the food was fantastic!! i am in love. with topanga, eating, my sister kate and chris, patrick, and our day spent together. it was perfect.

kate and i joked about having a double wedding here. haha so cheesy. while the boys pretended not to hear.

this is me after dinner. happy and sleepy.

but not that sleepy.

this is very typical when we get home. ;)

today, i sew!! what fun!



  1. O Lordy! My heart is melting. Do I not have the coolest, funniest, most beautiful, sincere, precious, kind and loving children? I'D say so! love you all so much. You make me real happy.

  2. 3rd pic down is funny of us! because we would look different at the same height.

    Love these pics, thanks for writing such a nice blog. Now I can save the pics too. Love the after party photos. You two are so cute.

    Cant wait till next time! :)

    Thanks Momma for the nice compliments. You so sweet.

  3. That's the restaurant I was telling you about and I couldn't remember the name at that time....
    The Inn of The Seventh Ray! Did it have stream?
    What are beautiful sisters! You look so happy with her (little sister is taller than you. haha)



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