runway inspired and the evolution of purusha.

donna karan

recently i've been calling purusha people clothing 'dreamy high fashion yoga-active-lounge wear', because i feel like what comfy clothes need are a little more style. i've always wanted to be the kind of woman that is super stylish and lovely, rocking heels and mini dresses, always on trend but true to herself. but sometimes life gets in the way of (at least for me!) putting together that awesome outfit because i'm running around, busy working, running errands, literally running (lol), and practicing yoga. from the start, the foundation of my business has been to create work out wear that doesn't look like exercise clothing, and doesn't even have to be worn for working out. a problem i've had, well maybe it's not a problem, just a social faux pas, is i am addicted to wearing yoga pants. addicted. when i wear jeans now it's kinda a big deal. and i secretly wish i was in my spandex. so my mission is to never get out of those yoga pants again! muahhaha!! kinda kidding, kinda not. 

but seriously, i am so driven to make clothing that is as comfy as it is cool. and as human/eco-friendly as it is stylish. i google eco-friendly active wear from time to time, and ugh it is always such a disappointment. boxy, embarrassingly shapeless and unfeminine, the clothing just looks like it's made for the woman who has given up on style to support the environment. this should NEVER be the case. ah! the opposite is true. green is in, we all know, and green garments need to be as beautiful as the movement it supports. so what's a planet loving, yoga pants addict, fashion lusting gal to do?

follow fashion, get into it, and mold it into MY vision. so lookout for more runway inspired yoga/lounge clothing in the future here at purusha people! i'm excited, and i hope you are too!

thanks for reading and sharing in my dreams, as always. i am so grateful for you. xo.

 style icon blogger chiara of the blonde salad


 kinder aggugini

 calvin klein

my favorite, ralph lauren


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