connecticut for a moment.

good morning! 

after a lovely merry day with my sweet patrick and liam, i leave today for a little visit to my other loves in connecticut. travelling, for me at least, is usually slightly jarring. in a good way. it's healthy to shake things up a bit, but it always makes me realize how much i end up loving the moments i'm in. just before i leave my home in topanga i am overwhelmed with my love for the canyon, the smells of california and our little cozy house, my job, and of course my love for my boys. but i'm merely hopping onto a plane into the arms of more people and places and scents i love. i just end up feeling so... attached. same thing happens when i leave connecticut too. it feels good to experience emotions fully and truly appreciate my surroundings. sitting on a plane though, that's my nemesis. sometimes i just get so nervous sitting there all cramped in with strangers all around me. i know i'm not the only one that thinks about having to die in a frightening way with people you don't know. i always size up the person next to me and wonder if they would hug me if the plane went down. what crazy thoughts huh?! i know planes are totally safe, i guess it's just natural to feel a little cautious while doing something as unnatural as taking flight. 

anyways, i best be getting to packing and preparing! anyone that is waiting for an order and has been waiting longer than the 4 week turnaround, you are my absolute top priority when i return next week. i hustled this past week and weekend to get out twice as many orders to cover my time away, but april was just so busy i am still behind. so i am sorry, but please know i'm doing the best i can!

much love to you all! xo.



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