i am a crystal.

my sweet mama is here visiting with me right now and i am really trying to soak in the moments with her. {she's making us breakfast as i type! i feel so lucky!} this weekend we've been chatting about how we would love to meditate more, so this morning we did just that! i meditated on my body basically becoming a crystal, totally clear and empty and radiant in the light. we meditated on creativity, on how making space for clarity and stopping the urge to focus on work allows you to rediscover the playfulness of just creating because you love to. so so beautiful and pure. it feels really spectacular to jump start the day with a pattern of positive thinking, and trying to notice what thoughts you allow to take precedence for the day. today i'm going to keep coming back to my crystal form, so i can be fully present and enjoy this last day with my lovely mother before she heads back to connecticut tomorrow. deep deep breaths of sunlight fill up my crystal. namaste.


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