goddess of hearts leggings! surprisingly, the lace held up amazingly at the gym!
paired with a rough sample of a crop top coming out soon :)
good day my friends! how are you?
this morning i went to my usual weight class at the gym and got my ass kicked. haha. we did squats, lunges, flys, bench press, tri's and bi's with stretch bands, too many push ups, and abs with weights. damn, it was tough, but great. i still find the contrast between what i do at the gym and my yoga to be kinda astonishing, in a good way. at the gym i feel strong (we should hope! ah!), aggressive, pushed to the max, and very much in my body. when i get home and do some yoga, i feel soft, gentle, open to whatever, and like i'm here just to take care of my mind. i know everyone's mind/body routine is unique to them because we are all such beautiful one of a kind individuals, and what works for me might not work for you and vice versa. but honestly, i could never find that peace on the yoga mat when i was pushing myself to work out hard, like i do at the gym. my ego, as our neighbor tomi pointed out, is too in tact. my crazy sensitive and emotional ego kept getting in the way of the meditational aspect of my yoga practice. i've become like a beginning yogi, all i can really do it sit and do the simplest stretches, otherwise my mind starts acting up and competing and comparing and wandering... and all that.
so here i am on my journey, always reevaluating, changing, falling and getting up again. i don't think that will ever change, and it's something my in tact ego struggles with. it wants to arrive and stay there, but that's not how it works. there isn't a peek, only hills and valleys. it makes me happy though to learn how to play and enjoy this holy terrain for what is is, with all it's ups and downs, darks and lights, chaos and peace. hahhh, deep breaths, it's all there is.